Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Task 4 Body Image Project

"Fat Girl in the Mirror by LimeGreenSquid on DeviantART." Fat Girl in the Mirror by LimeGreenSquid on DeviantART. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.


  • Two different  reflection of skinny and fat.
  • Think opposite of what their are.
  • pursuit of her happiness ideals will kill her.
  • Fat girl happy as she is.
  • Be Natural.
  • They see their reflection differently.
  • skinny but reflection is fat.
  • fat but reflection is still natural but she love her self. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

-Today at the lunch table James was holding a magazine.The moment he passed the magazine over to me I was totally confused of what it was all.He told me to take a look at it and there was a picture full of fit looking men in the magazine.Then he start talking to me about the picture of the model in the magazine and how handsome they are and they have a perfect body shape.It seem like he was so into it at that moment cause his face was so intensive.He told me that he going to train so hard that he can just look like that and he is willing to do anything for that perfect dream body of his and he asked me if I could help him because he didn't know where to start.The only reason i said yes is that he always been judging himself on his look and he always been up set about his body.He is a overweight person and he hated it so much.He think that being chubby or overweight person mean ugly to him.He always been wanting to have normal body like those model on the magazine,TV or other media. Even though the picture of the model aren't real.I told James to keep away from any diet drug because it really bad for you even thought you have a good out looking but the inside is nasty and any other unhealthy diet way of diet like cutting down your meal.you shouldn't cut down your meal or your body will be suffering from no vitamin or energy to burn up.better if you just keep hitting the gym and do a lot of sport activity.